Anesthesiologist Assistant's will be earning similar salaries! The Anesthesia Technician has an average starting salary of 30,000 per year. Please view the following links below for more information on Anesthesiologist Assistant and Anesthesia Technician Educational Programs,Salaries and More...!

The following information declares the position of the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (ASATT). This will describe the standard of practice for:

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Anesthesia Technician

Anesthesiologist Assistant, Anesthesia Assistant, Anesthesia Technician, Anesthesia Tech Information:


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The information provided using this web site is only intended to be general  information to the public. It is not intended to take the place of the written law, regulations, medical, legal  or financial advice.

AnestaWeb, Inc. 2010


Which schools offer


Did you know
there are job
offers for
Assistants with
$30,000.00 in
$10,000.00 at
the end of
each year and
$5,000.00 for
and a starting
between $110,000.00

What schools offer


Partners:  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8     9     10     11     12     13     14

The Anesthesiologist Assistant is the fastest growing anesthesia profession!

This website has one clear mission- to inform the public of the importance of
the Anesthesia Care Team: Anesthesiologist Assistant, Anesthesia Technician and Anesthesia Technologist!
elcome to!
The future of the Anesthesia Care Team is here as new laws are being passed allowing the doors to open for Anesthesiologist Assistants as well as paving the way for the entry level Anesthesia technician! Similar to a Physician Assistant, the Anesthesia Assistant will work under the supervision of an Anesthesiologist performing the same role as the CRNA and the Anesthesia Technician will work under the Anesthesiologist Assistant or CRNA! Also CRNA's and
An anesthesiologist assistant is a physician assistant specialist. The anesthesiologist assistant specializes in the care of patients prior to, during and after surgery. The anesthesiologist assistant formulates the anesthesia care plan for the patient and then cares for the patient throughout the surgical procedure. Anesthesiologist assistants must practice under the direct supervision of a qualified anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist assistant monitors the patient's heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and level of consciousness and analgesia. The anesthesiologist assistant adjusts the anesthetic plan, fluids, medications, and other parameters to provide a safe, pain free surgical experience for the patient. The anesthesiologist assistant will take care of patient medical needs during the operation so the surgeon can concentrate on the surgery. After the surgery, the anesthesiologist assistant continues to provide the care necessary to ensure a smooth emergence from the anesthetic and pain control after your surgery.
Anesthesiologist assistants are physician assistant specialists in control of acute pain, chronic pain and are involved in the care of critically ill patients.
Becoming an Anesthesia Technician...Becoming an Anesthesia Technician prior to going to school to become a Anesthesiologist Assistant would be a great stepping stone in becoming an Anesthesiologist Assistant!

Every state has different regulations on what you "can" or "can't" do as a Anesthesia Technician or Anesthesia Technologist. Even though it's in our scope of practice, the goal for the Anesthesia Technician or Anesthesia Technologist is to be "Licensed" so
that the Anesthesia Technician is
allowed to utilize learned skills at any hospital and in all patient care settings regardless in what state the Anesthesia Technician resides.

If you are seriously looking into becoming a Anesthesia Technician, place calls to several hospitals and try speaking to a Anesthesia Technician or Anesthesia Technologist and find out how can you shadow them in their daily task in the O.R. as well as off site areas (Cath lab,MRI,Angio,GI,ICU,ER,etc.)

Make sure you pair up with a Anesthesia Technician or Anesthesia technologist preceptor with many years of experience who is ACLS/PALS Certified that can teach you about different "cardiac rhythms", "medications", and "shocking" a patient when in a "Code Blue" emergency.

Find out what Anesthesia Technicians / Anesthesia Technologists are actually responsible for operating such as, intra-aortic balloon pump machines, cell saver machines, level one auto rapid machines, FMS auto rapid machines, starting IVs, drawing up and pushing medications under the supervision of a MDA or Anesthesiologist Assistant/CRNA, anesthesia machines as well as trouble shooting, train, assisting in floating a Swan-Ganz Catheter (PA), performing ABG/TEG, setting up & drawing back from patient lines such as ART, CVP, PA lines. Try following Anesthesia Technicians in specialty areas such as Transplant (Hearts and Livers, Adult & Pedi ), Trauma units, & Neuro (crani- head).

The knowledge gained by working as an Anesthesia Technician or Anesthesia Technologist will insure a smooth transition in becoming a Anesthesiologist Assistant. It definately will look great on your admission application when applying to an Anesthesiologist Assistant program as a allied health care professional.

Why is it such a great idea to become an Anesthesia Technician if you want to eventually become an Anesthesiologist Assistant?

Nurses are required to work 1-2 years in the ICU to gain skills required to become a CRNA, so by becoming an Anesthesia Technician for 1-2 years and learning skills in the O.R., ICU and E.R. settings you will actually be ahead of any applicant applying to an Anesthesiologist Assistant program!
More on the Anesthesiologist Assistant profession Visit HERE
  Anesta Web
What schools offer

As of now there are seven schools which offer the Anesthesiologist Assistant program. The newest University to offer the AA profession is the Case Western Reserve University - Master
of Science in Anesthesia Program - Houston, Texas. 
The other six AA Schools are Nova
Southeastern University Tampa
Student Educational
Center in Florida. The University of Missouri, Kansas
, with its first class in 2008. Currently educational facilities
throughout the United States are racing to begin their programs. The seven educational
programs which are currently graduating Anesthesiologist Assistant's are: Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida ; Emory University in Atlanta Georgia South University in Savannah, Georgia ; Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio , Nova
Southeastern University Tampa
, University of Missouri, Kansas
City and
  Case Western Reserve University - Master
of Science in Anesthesia Program - Houston, Texas

Anesthesiologist Assistant

The seven educational
programs which are currently graduating Anesthesiologist Assistant's are: Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida ; Emory University in Atlanta Georgia South University in Savannah, Georgia ; Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio , Nova
Southeastern University Tampa
, University of Missouri, Kansas
City and
  Case Western Reserve University - Master
of Science in Anesthesia Program - Houston, Texas

Anesthesiologist Assistant Job

AAs Post Your CVs Today! is the Premier
Employment-Solutions website exclusively for
Anesthesiologist Assistant Professionals and
Hiring companies!

Who are the Members of the Anesthesia Care Team?